Memory Care
Let us assist you in finding the perfect community for your loved one. Assisted Living Pros represents YOU at no cost. Fees are paid by community upon move-in.

The Pros can answer your questions!
How is memory care different from assisted living?
Memory care communities provide an enhanced level of assisted living designed specifically for those living with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Services often include care staff specially trained in supporting those living with memory loss, activity programming which encourages connection and engagement.
How do I know if my loved one needs memory care?
For everyone, this question varies. There are many stages of Alzheimer’s and dementia journey, if there are concerns about cognitive impairment, some behaviors that are indicators are frequent changes in mood, including excessive defensiveness or anger, decreased attention to personal care and housekeeping, issues with money management, challenges managing medication, and increased confusion and distraction. A physician’s diagnosis can help, but often comes after a crisis or when cognitive impairment is fairly advanced. Let the Pros assist you in recommendations regarding potentially suitable options to explore.
Why should I choose memory care for my loved one?
Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s and dementia can be incredibly stressful and can often affect the caregiver’s personal health and wellbeing. For families, adding work and family responsibilities can become an impossible responsibility, especially when they are not local. Phone calls and infrequent visits may not be enough to keep your loved one healthy, happy, and safe. Ensuring that they are cared for properly with services including assistance with dressing, showering, toileting; as well as dining well every day, managing their medication, engaging with others, and finding purpose again are what is the core of memory care communities.

How do I talk to my family about moving our loved to a memory care community?
Making decisions about what’s best for a loved one with Dementia and Alzheimer’s can be challenging, especially when early onset exists. A diagnosis or recommendation from your loved one’s health care provider is often the catalyst for making the move to memory care. In your conversations with family, acknowledge that your loved one’s safety and well-being are your first priority. Share with them how memory care can reduce isolation, encourage engagement, support proper nutrition, and provide much-needed purpose. This is also an important time to ensure that a primary decision-maker has been designated and that all relevant legal paperwork is in place.
How much does a Memory Care Community cost?
Typically, a memory care community can range anywhere from $4,500 – $10,000 monthly. Memory care communities require much more hands-on staff and significantly higher resident/staff ratio. The care staff is skilled and trained specifically to care for dementia and Alzheimer residents. The wide range exists because of factors such as location and the number and type of services offered.
Does Medicare help cover the costs associated with Memory Care communities?
Unfortunately, Medicare does not help cover memory care communities. All senior Independent living communities are private pay only. But the Pros can assist you in finding the right place for your budget!
What is the affordability of a Memory Care Community for my loved one?
Typically, costs are paid by individual resident’s retirement savings, but some may find assistance with long-term care insurance or veterans benefits. Many residents pay for senior living by selling or renting out their homes, supplementing their Social Security benefits and/or cashing out investments and/or cashing out investments or even accept assistance from contributing adult children.

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