Assisted Living
Let us assist you in finding the perfect community for your loved one. Assisted Living Pros represents YOU at no cost. Fees are paid by community upon move-in.

The Pros can answer your questions!
What is Assisted Living?
Assisted living communities provide supervision or assistance with activities of daily living. It is among the fastest-growing type of senior care. More than 800,000 Americans live in an assisted living facility.
What’s the difference between assisted and independent living?
Assisted living communities cater to seniors who are physically or cognitively unable to live on their own. In independent living communities, most adults live alone or as couples, without the need for personal care support or skilled nursing.
What types of activities are available for residents?
Most Assisted Living Communities have varied activities ranging in arts and crafts, wine tastings, live musical entertainment, visits to local attractions and events, tours, shopping and dining outings, outdoor activities, and more. Social activities and entertainment keep residents’ minds and bodies active and boost wellness.
How much does assisted living cost?
Living in an assisted living community typically costs anywhere from $2,500 – $6,000 monthly. The wide range exists because of factors such as location and the number and type of services offered.
How is assisted living different from a nursing home?
The differences between assisted living and living in a nursing home are vast, but the main distinctions are: assisted living does not provide advanced medical care around the clock, whereas nursing homes do make medical services available on a consistent basis. Assisted living is not nursing home living. This distinction is important.

What are the benefits of assisted living?
- enhanced social life (combating isolation or loneliness)
- additional recreational opportunities
- daily or weekly help with housekeeping duties
- Medication Management
- increased peace of mind
When is it time to make the move to an assisted living community?
When to move is a highly personal decision. Typically, assisted living exists for the senior adult who is requiring additional help for daily life, such as meals, medication management, housekeeping, and including other services such as assistance with dressing, showering, toileting, but is not currently requiring any advanced medical services.
Are residents allowed to bring their own furniture and belongings?
Absolutely! In most cases, Assisted Living residents are encouraged to furnish and decorate their apartments to reflect their style and desired level of comfort.
How long is a typical assisted living community commitment?
Unlike apartment living, most assisted living communities do not require a long-term agreement. Typically, they only require a month-to-month commitment – with 30 days’ notice.
Does Medicare help cover the costs associated with assisted living?
Unfortunately, Medicare does not help cover assisted living expenses. All senior living communities are private pay only, with the exception of very few which accept specific Medicaid policies.
What is the affordability of an Assisted Living Community?
Unfortunately, Medicare or Medicaid do not cover senior living. Costs are paid by individual residents, but some may find assistance with long-term care insurance or veterans benefits. Some residents pay for senior living by selling or renting out their homes, supplementing their Social Security benefits and/or cashing out investments or even accept assistance from contributing adult children.

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